Over the past 20 years, SealTech has successfully injected in basements and underground
to combat moisture and “capillary rising damp” problems.
SealTech has carried out thousands of successful injections and sealed hundreds of leaks.
SealTech ARTIPUR INJECTION “NAI” is an injection material consisting of multicellular polyurethane.
Excellent for sealing larger leaks due to its great expansion and rapid reaction upon contact with water.
Suitable in areas with ground vibrations.
Works very well against moisture being pushed up from the ground.
The system is injected under pressure into concrete. Low pressure in other materials.

Imjiseringsmaterialet fungerer meget godt mot fukt som presses opp av bakken gjennom vegger, om det er betong eller mur, tegl eller andre sementbaserte materialer. Materialet er vannavvisende, og tetter kapillærene(porene), slik at fukt ikke trenger inn i kjeller.
Systemet injiseres under trykk i betong. Lavtrykk i andre materialer.Dette systemet legger materialet som en membran under betongen, og hindrer fukten i å komme inn i bygningen.
SealTech har også ypperlige løsninger for tetting av større lekkasjer grunnet produkter med stort ekspansjon og hurtig reaksjon i kontakt med vann. Materialene er fleksible og passer godt i områder med vibrasjoner i bakken, hust mot gate etc.
Methacrylate-based resins are hydrophilic and flexible resins used to repair non-structural cracks and joints. Due to their low viscosity and hydrophilic swelling behavior in contact with water, this type of resin can waterproof leaks and seal even the smallest cracks. Optionally, a fourth component (a polymer) can be added to improve the strength and flexibility of the resin and enhance its performance in wet-dry cycles under fluctuating groundwater levels.
Polyurethane-based injection resins, also known as PU resins, are designed to stop water. They react quickly upon contact with water and significantly increase in volume, creating a high foaming effect. This makes them ideally suited for sealing cracks in dams and bridges, waterproofing in construction work, and tunnel construction.